Heyyo everyone,
This recent unscheduled update is just "in fond memory" of several recent happenings with me, which I just happened to recall just now (or more accurate 31.41 seconds ago ;) # ) So..... Here they are (in no particular order [or in 28 % random, 19 % unsorted, 34 % unidentified and 26 % unnamed order for the genius folk]) -
[The aforementioned things are truly fictitious and any resemblance whatsoever to any event, dead or living, is purely co-incidental (or a plot by my enemies to defame me).]
Back to the topic, I recently have been having a tad bit too many dreams (Or if Wikipedia is to be believed, my dreams are breaking during REM more frequently) recently these days and thus I thought of sharing them. (I just now found out that "everyone" has dreams, and not only those who move while sleeping, as I previously believed. [The previous argument can be redefined now as "Mainly those who move while sleeping remember their dreams"]) I personally, have been having very bizarre, weird and highly complicated dreams and a few of them are shared here -
* The most common feature I found in my dreams was that even with weird things happening, my mind always tries to connect them in some way or the other, even though the connection may be totally absurd in real life.
* Shouting in your dream can actually wake you up in real life!!! (Happened to me once)
* Things that are around you usually creep into your dreams. For example, I was once talking to Ugesh Sarkar in my dream when he suddenly starts talking business stuff. Turned out that Dad was seeing some business channel on TV just near me then. :P
* It is possible for you to realise that you are dreaming. While still in your dreams. (Has happened half-a-dozen times to me)
* It is also possible to break your dreams whenever you want. Even though you are dreaming.
* Our worst fears and biggest wishes are the most common dreams that we have. For example, my sisters have thrown me from buildings for years now. (And that is not a wish ;) )
* We can even recall real-life memories in dreams, if we try to.
* And finally, our thought process during our dreams can become very very complicated too.
Now for the other things......
* Havent made any progress on the book I was about to start yesternight. Lets see when I read it now..... (I try to get as much time I can while reading so that I can complete the book in one shot. [In another interesting counter-example, I found out that the books that influenced me the most were the ones I read slowest. Wow!] So 3:14 in the morning ;) is not a good time to start the book, though 8 pm is. For any book. Except "Lord of the rings" {where 3 pm would be a lot more appropriate. If you wanted to finish the book by the morning.}.)
* Have been thinking of learning French and lockpicking (But not French lockpicking :P ) for quite a time now. Did make some progress in both and thought that I was actually near to accomplishing both these goals, but have lost the momentum again. As usual. Need to get back to them....
* Found out that my typing speed is currently 45 WPM. Nice :D But need to improve on it to prove a point to two of my friends... *Furious typing in the distance*
* Meanwhile, my friends from Kota are back again for their Diwali holidays..... Which means more action is about to come up on that front ;) Be prepared (No pun intended) Hoping for a lot more fun here. (Would be a great new way to kickstart my dull life these days) .....
# The wink is for those who can understand why the wink is there at all. ;) You know it if you know it. ;) (Just reminds me how much I like talking in double meanings, code-words and puzzles. If you happen to just re-read my previous updates, you might be surprised to see the number of seemingly normal [or nonsense] looking sentences that have another meaning with them. That is, if [A big if involved here ;) There can hardly be 1.608 people on this planet {Another mysterious wink ;) }who understand all my words. Excluding myself. {Wait. Even I am unable to understand all my words, sometimes. :D }] you manage to crack them. In case anyone does crack any such sentence, do leave a comment)
This recent unscheduled update is just "in fond memory" of several recent happenings with me, which I just happened to recall just now (or more accurate 31.41 seconds ago ;) # ) So..... Here they are (in no particular order [or in 28 % random, 19 % unsorted, 34 % unidentified and 26 % unnamed order for the genius folk]) -
[The aforementioned things are truly fictitious and any resemblance whatsoever to any event, dead or living, is purely co-incidental (or a plot by my enemies to defame me).]
"Dreams are successions of images, ideas, emotions, and sensations that occur involuntarily in the mind during certain stages of sleep. The content and purpose of dreams are not definitively understood, though they have been a topic of speculation and interest throughout recorded history. The scientific study of dreams is called oneirology. Scientists believe that everyone dreams, but people tend to forget them when they naturally pass out of sleep in the traditional sleep cycle. A person who is awakened during REM sleep is much more likely to remember the dream.
Dreams mainly occur in the rapid-eye movement (REM) stage of sleep—when brain activity is high. REM sleep is revealed by continuous movements of the eyes. At times, dreams may occur during other stages of sleep. However, these dreams tend to be much less vivid or memorable. Dreams can last for a few seconds, or as long as twenty minutes.
Dreams are a connection to the human subconscious. They can range from normal and ordinary to overly surreal and bizarre. Dreams can often at times make a creative thought occur to the person or give a sense of inspiration. Dream imagery is often absurd and unrealistic, and the events in dreams are generally outside the control of the dreamer, with the exception of lucid dreaming. Dreamers are usually not self-aware in their dreams; thus the dreams may seem very real to them while asleep. Dreams can vary from frightening, exciting, magical, melancholic to adventurous."As you may have noticed, this above quote is from Wikipedia (The free encyclopedia [And no, this is NOT an advertisement for Wikipedia. Just making sure I have the full name, just in case I am sued for making fun of their name by using partial names]) and if your IQ is anywhere above 30 and below 180, you may also have realized that I would be going to talk something about dreams.(People with IQ above 180 are excluded because people with high IQ tend to think in complicated ways and thus may also have found a dozen other reasons for me to give the quote. Any argument to the contrary is highly appreciated and welcome. In the Spam section.)
Back to the topic, I recently have been having a tad bit too many dreams (Or if Wikipedia is to be believed, my dreams are breaking during REM more frequently) recently these days and thus I thought of sharing them. (I just now found out that "everyone" has dreams, and not only those who move while sleeping, as I previously believed. [The previous argument can be redefined now as "Mainly those who move while sleeping remember their dreams"]) I personally, have been having very bizarre, weird and highly complicated dreams and a few of them are shared here -
* The most common feature I found in my dreams was that even with weird things happening, my mind always tries to connect them in some way or the other, even though the connection may be totally absurd in real life.
* Shouting in your dream can actually wake you up in real life!!! (Happened to me once)
* Things that are around you usually creep into your dreams. For example, I was once talking to Ugesh Sarkar in my dream when he suddenly starts talking business stuff. Turned out that Dad was seeing some business channel on TV just near me then. :P
* It is possible for you to realise that you are dreaming. While still in your dreams. (Has happened half-a-dozen times to me)
* It is also possible to break your dreams whenever you want. Even though you are dreaming.
* Our worst fears and biggest wishes are the most common dreams that we have. For example, my sisters have thrown me from buildings for years now. (And that is not a wish ;) )
* We can even recall real-life memories in dreams, if we try to.
* And finally, our thought process during our dreams can become very very complicated too.
Now for the other things......
* Havent made any progress on the book I was about to start yesternight. Lets see when I read it now..... (I try to get as much time I can while reading so that I can complete the book in one shot. [In another interesting counter-example, I found out that the books that influenced me the most were the ones I read slowest. Wow!] So 3:14 in the morning ;) is not a good time to start the book, though 8 pm is. For any book. Except "Lord of the rings" {where 3 pm would be a lot more appropriate. If you wanted to finish the book by the morning.}.)
* Have been thinking of learning French and lockpicking (But not French lockpicking :P ) for quite a time now. Did make some progress in both and thought that I was actually near to accomplishing both these goals, but have lost the momentum again. As usual. Need to get back to them....
* Found out that my typing speed is currently 45 WPM. Nice :D But need to improve on it to prove a point to two of my friends... *Furious typing in the distance*
* Meanwhile, my friends from Kota are back again for their Diwali holidays..... Which means more action is about to come up on that front ;) Be prepared (No pun intended) Hoping for a lot more fun here. (Would be a great new way to kickstart my dull life these days) .....
# The wink is for those who can understand why the wink is there at all. ;) You know it if you know it. ;) (Just reminds me how much I like talking in double meanings, code-words and puzzles. If you happen to just re-read my previous updates, you might be surprised to see the number of seemingly normal [or nonsense] looking sentences that have another meaning with them. That is, if [A big if involved here ;) There can hardly be 1.608 people on this planet {Another mysterious wink ;) }who understand all my words. Excluding myself. {Wait. Even I am unable to understand all my words, sometimes. :D }] you manage to crack them. In case anyone does crack any such sentence, do leave a comment)
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