Monday, November 26, 2012

Entry 1

Sorry for the delay everyone... Just forgot about posting the stories.... Anyways, here they are - 

Disclaimer - 

These stories are just the thoughts and actions of the writer and may or may not be correct, though very likely to be the former. The reader is advised to exercise caution while reading it and have an open mind to try and understand what is written in the words, and figure out the underlying meaning behind it. Most of all, it is all about looking into yourself and truly find the meaning of life.

The writer does not take any responsibility for your ability to comprehend things, and you shall understand only what you can. These stories therefore, will only be as good as you can understand them. What the writer has written is actually very good. What depends is whether you like it or not.

All the thoughts may have inner meanings which may or may not cause insanity and/or invoke deep unheard-of thought processes in the minds of the reader.  Use caution.

ENTRY 1 – 20th September 2012.

Subtle Subtle Subtle... One word that I have been fascinated with in particular in these days. Part of it is because the word itself is quite interesting, but more so because it itself is quite Subtle. Very often we look deep into things to find out the true meaning of things. I know I have. Books, movies, people, incidents... They all have influenced me in some way or the other. One tiny weeny little push that has brought me closer to what I am today. Now. This very moment. Some pushes have been greater, others not so big. But every little thing has indeed done something or the other to bring a change in my life. In my way of thinking. In my ideologies. Every single damned thing. And believe it or not, I treasure every one of them. Even the time I fell into that nali by the side of the road, or the time when I got thrown into the dustbin. Especially those times. Why? I have frankly no idea. Maybe because it was something different – Something special.... Something not filled with the dreaded monotony of the world. Maybe it was something else. Who knows. Maybe there ought to be no reason for what I do, who I am, where I go, or what happens in my life. I am what I am, and nobody, not even me, can change that.

Hardly 10 minutes ago, I had been watching a movie – ‘Smurfs’. For those of you who wish to know, it was an animated movie. If I look at it from the critical way that I judge all movies, I don’t think it fared any better than the other movies that I always see. Predictable plotlines, Normal storyline, and the very same kiddy-cutey ingredients that make up any and every single movie that has the tiniest bit of cartoon in it [To James Cameron, if you’re reading this – No. Avatar does not contain the kiddy-cutey ingredient, but if you look into it, all the rest of the details pretty much remain the same – The sense of mystery, a world and its people different from our own, and the long overdrawn process of self realisation and looking into oneself as one gradually feels at one with those new people (Whether deliberately or otherwise is another question) and the final climax where  everything that has been done in the movie comes together for one final single showdown. So there it is. I made my point.] Back to the topic – the movie was actually very averagey normal. But I somehow liked it.  Why - I am not exactly sure (Even I don’t have all the answers to all the whys I ask.) But still, I liked it.

More importantly, I came to realise how many stories and movies of today do the very same thing- Create a story that we feel with, but is different from our own life in one crucial aspect. Then ask the pertinent questions of life and humanity, and go across on the process of self realisation with the viewer or reader. Because (s)he feels with the movie, they will actually understand the questions. But since there lies a major difference between that story and ours, we are comfortable with it. Here comes my question - Why?

Why is it that when we watch a movie that is based on someone else’s life, we understand, but if it so happens to resemble our very own story, we shy away? Why is it that we find it easier to find the answers to life, universe and everything [Not the 42 wala answer. The philosophical one re.] when we look outside and externally, than within us or internally?  [At this point some of you may claim that this does not happen to you. I agree. Fair point. But this very much does happen to me on a very large scale and I see no reason why it should or can not happen to anyone or rather, everyone else. Yet if you choose to claim it does not happen to you, I really don’t have a say in it. Your choice.]

I think that there is something inside us which stops us from looking inside, than outside. Its as if we as a human race, are designed to do that. We will go to the moon before going inside the Earth, or within our own bodies. Maybe that’s how we are. Maybe there is something more. Whatever that maybe be, one thing is for certain – We definitely will prefer to hear someone else’s story than our very own. Why, I simply don’t know. Even I do not possess all the answers to all the whys. Maybe if we look into ourselves and truly find out the answer, we just might. Maybe...

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Welcome back

Welcome back nahi beta, I am back bolte h!!!! 

After more than an year of being off the grid, The Original Soni returns back to the blogosphere!!! Yay!!

So what happened?

Well my blog was blocked due to being spam [I can see how they mixed my writing for crap there] which led me to unsuccessfully try to get it back and edit Google's wikipedia pages in vengeance, without much success. Even facebook and microsoft failed to answer to my plans [from the yahoo account, lest my mails be filtered] to gang up against it, and bring the evil corporation down!

But nearly a year after I forgot all about it, I found this guy as having commented on my report to help me get my blog back. So I commented back, and found that he had forwarded my request to to get it reviewed, and that they got it back! Hell yeah!!!

Since nearly half a year has now passed since I made my last post, I shall not be posting in a similar fashion again now. My next posts shall be talking more about thoughts and actions than events... Hope you shall enjoy it!!!

Oh and did you read Harry Potter and the Methods of Rationality? Its only my favorite book! If not, do so today!!!

The Original Soni
25th of November 2012

P.S. - I shall now be posting weekly, once every Sunday. So be waiting for my first post within the next 24  23 hours

Pt - 78

Apparently our school celebrates it Platinum Jubilee (75 years) this year in December. (Or so says the wikipedia article, atleast) So here is a blog post in memory of the Platinum Jubilee.

Firstly, the one news that had me laughing smiling in the assembly FOR 10 minutes (see here and here) The news that was announced in the assembly was - 

(in my own words)

This time the Platinum Jubilee is a huge celebration and we will be having a number of celebrations uptil 9th of  December - the foundation day. Committees are being formed for this, and soon students from Class 11 and 12 shall also be taken into the committees. On the last day of school, ie on 18th May, there will be a joint meeting for all the committees....

The events will be ..... On one of the days, we are looking at the possiblities to have Dr. A. P. J. Abdul Kalam here. We are still talking with his secretary though there is a chance of him becoming President and all, so we can't yet confirm it....

(No wonder I was not listening to what was being said after that -  I was too busy smiling - For 10 minutes)

Dr. Kalam is definitely the most only well known scientist of India, and therefore it is natural that a total science freak will literally freak out at the chance of having him in our school. Plus, we happen to be the top science batch of our school, and I happen to be the biggest science freak of them all ;) So no wonder I am hoping for a five minutes special encounter with him of sorts :)

Next, a dream that I had one of the past few days-

The Platinum Jubilee celebrations were going on, and we had invited Mamata Didi to our school. But it so happened that when she came, there was hardly anyone to welcome her except AP and me (That was said to be explained by the fact that they must have been parking their vehicles!!!)

Since we had to entertain her, we first started talking to her, and them I pulled out a pen and paper, and started by helping her solve some trigonometry questions! Though the questions were quite simple, she did pretty well in all the questions, except one question, where she could not get the "sec x + tan x" that she had to get to get the final answer (Yes, I remember that too!) Though I realised she could have got that one easily if tried from another way.

Anyways, thats how the dream about Mamata Di ended, as I quickly flitted over to another dream

And now the final post about the celebrations- this time related to the Committees - 

It was May the 18th and nobody had yet been selected for being in any committees (except the 10 school office bearers, who were sure to be in one committee or the other). And there was no news either of anyone being in any committee or having any news of the same.

And I was really hoping and wanting to be in some committee or the other.

And then it happened. CR (one of the office bearers, and a good friend of mine) was called out by one of the teachers. We all knew what was that for. In the next 20 or so minutes, boys had been called out of classes by several teachers, and were asked to wait after school for the meeting. It was just like the Pheonix Club from The Social Network - Everyone was receiving their invites from everywhere else.

After the dust had settled down, here was the scores -

Out of the three of us (me, PR and AP- the three "brothers" as I consider us to be) two had received the call. PR was in the magazine committee with me, and it was natural that he was selected for the committee. AP, on the other hand, particularly despised being in the committee, and said "No" straightaway to the teacher who asked him. And I was deemed too 'volatile' for being selected for a committee!

And so it happened.

[This is the remnants of an unfinished message which could not be completed before my account was blocked]'

Update : No Mr. Kalam is not coming to our school. Soni saaddd :(

Update 2: The science seminar (See here and here) finally DID happen, if only a year late. Me and AP gave it; and it was fun!!! I did stumble in the beginning quite a bit, but by the end, I was too good to be there ;) Every single person who met us after that used the word "awesome" or "great" atleast once!! :D