Thursday, May 17, 2012

Clippets from my life

Heyyo readers,

Here are a few moments frozen through space and time, and brought out to you in a plate - An assortment of the not-so-average ones of my memories.... Hope you like it!

"Chemistry everyone can get for research but Physics and Maths are hard. You and AP must be for Maths and Physics research. Not for engineering. Engineering those boys go who do not have the capacity to learn more..."

These were the actual words of my class Chemistry teacher and my class teacher to me today. I guess the words speak for themselves. Period.

Language class - Prepositions

Question - I shall beat you _____ the top of the hill.

Answer 1 - "At"
Answer 2 - "With"


RP: "You know what is a classic moment? I was playing Led Zeppelin on the speakers in my room when my grandmother entered the room. She simply asked 'Which song is this?' and I told her it was Led Zeppelin. She closed the door after she said 'Its a good song'. Now THAT'S a classical moment "

Today our school was visited by a few people from the High Court (Rumour has it that it was because our school was open before the vacations even though almost all other major schools in the state had been closed)

(Before the assembly started, mockingly, unknown voice) "If he (the Principal) comes out in handcuffs, I will lead the school cheer"


Computer class, Computer Lab, earlier today, from out Computer Sir:

"Boys, take out your copy and write a program (in Java) to rearrange any number in descending order without using array or any sorting algorithms"

(Fifteen minutes later)

"Submit your copies now. You two start collecting the copies from these 2 rows"

(After the collection of the copies)

(Smiling) "The program was written there on the white board right in front of you"

Colon D

AAMOF, nobody ever noticed the program written on the white board until it was told to them. Period.

Later in the day, as I was coming out from tuitions-

Me: (to a girl coming out of the tuitions along with me) "You were supposed to go to the MUN na? WHich MUN was it?"

"What is a MUN?"


"You said na last class that you won't be attending the next Physics class since you will be at the MUN?!"

"No. I don't know what a MUN is."

Is the genuinely serious, or is she just messing with me?

Her: "Maybe it was NK"

"Wait. Aren't you NK?"

"No. I am AW."

(referring to the faces I remembered) "But aren't they the same? I remember both the faces as same"

"No. NK and AW are not the same."

And FYI there are no more than 28 awake and 1 sleeping student in our tuitions batch who have been in the same batch for about 1.5 years. And I remember almost 16 names, out of which 10 are matched correctly with their faces.

*Facepalm* Period.

Computer class, yesterday, computer lab-

Sir- "Type the infix to prefix program that you copied in your exercise books yesterday and compile it"

Two minutes later, I had located the very same word to word (Sorry ASA) word for word program on the net and was sending the program to everyone else in the class. How?

"See. Line 13 is  System.out.println("Give an expression. Example (13+2*(8/3))");
So just go to Google and type Infix "13+2*(8/3)" You will get the exact same program there."

(AP starts rolling into laughter by now)

A week ago, Literature class: Four boys forgot to bring their text books.

Sir: "So you did not bring your exercise books today?"

"No sir."

"What is the chapter?"

"Sir Rattrap"

"Go outside the class, make a rattrap and come!!"


Whats even weirder is that after thirty minutes they actually came back to the class. With a rattrap. They even demonstrated their rattrap in class. It was actually nice, and involved a principle through which the rat was catapulted in the air if it stepped on the trap


Class orientation, one week ago:

Everyone had to speak something about themselves for two minutes.
Some excerpts-

RR: "I am the only son of my parents.... Oh no no..... I have a brother"

Me: "My name is Soni and my favorite numbers are Pi and 67"

GH: ".... my favorite memory will be when I was caught by the Chinese officials for crossing into the Chinese border when I was at Nathu La!!!"


At home with nephew:

Him : "Where will I get a Submachine gun?"


Me : "What!?" 

"Arrey that game is saying I should kill one enemy with a submachine gun"


"Submachine gun is the same as SMG"

"Okay. Got it" (runs away)
Library period, 6 days ago:

AP forgets to bring library book, so he is standing near the library door, albeit inside the library. The rest of us were sitting in our allotted benches.

He and NC (another boy who forgot to bring the book) see there is nothing to do while standing and come to browse the library books. (The shelf where the library books are kept is so placed that its slightly away from the rest of the library - Perfect place for timepass, gossip, (or in my case) passing through the 18 cm gaps between the shelf and the wall)

Seeing the situation, I also decide to go there as I was getting bored while sitting in my place. (Even though I had issued my library book already)

Sir comes after some time "AP, what are you doing here?"

Me: "Sir searching books so that he can issue them next library class"

AP: (trying to save the situation) "Sir searching book so that I can read now (in the library period)"

Sir: "Go back now. And Soni, what are you doing here?"

"Sir searching books for AP to read"

Colon P.

Later during the same period, I was getting bored so I decided to join the boys who were standing. [FYI that place was my spot for the past two weeks due to my silent behaviour]

End of period, Sir comes: "Previously there were 3 boys standing. Now there are 6. All of you are for not having your library books?"

Them: "Yes sir"

(Sir looks behind and finds me pretending to browse through a pile of books looking for something)

"Soni what are you doing here?"

"Sir searching for books here"

"If AP comes you have to be here na?"

"No sir"

"Next day, I'll send you to the terrace of the school"

"Sure sir?"


"Thank You, Sir"

(I have never been to the terrace during my 5 year stay in the school)



In another instance last year , i wanted to check whether or not Sir actually reads the reports he corrects. So I put my idea to the test.

Now my copy holds a report duly signed and ticked  by Sir, which ends in the following lines-

He is an alcoholic, but otherwise he is a very decent boy. He will surely succeed in all his future endeavours.

At home with sister, 8 days ago:

Sister: "Now that you have told him (nephew) the password, he will surely change the password"

Me: "Relax. No need for tension. He uses only Windows XP. I work with Windows 7. He won't even find where to change the password"

"But at home he has an entire laptop to himself. We also dont know what all he does there"

"I said na. No tension. He is still 8 years old"

Five minutes later, I go to the room where he is to check up on what he is doing at the laptop. I see that he is - wait for it - CHANGING THE PASSWORD!!!


The words of my Physics teacher earlier today in class, after distributing the exercise books of the boys that had been submitted for correction

(Definitely pointing at me) "Some boys are there who do all the sums but whose copies are without a single sum being done in them. And they explain the sum written on the board to the other boys"

All he said was completely true.. Period.

This Monday, I bunked school to meet the doctor. Leave was granted after my sister went and talked to the Principal after waiting for 40 minutes for being late by 15 minutes (I told her that was going to happen). The Principal has a great impression of her, thanks to a starkly contrasting not so great impression of mine, and there wasn't a lot of problems giving the leave.

After she came home, we called up the doctor to find that the appointment had been... wait for it...... CANCELLED.


Since my Monday was now so free suddenly, I decided to- well- see "The Avengers"!!! :P Loved the film. It was simply great- with the action and the one-liners. Only problem was keeping pace with its fast dialogues but I managed somehow. Should have seen it in 3D though.

My favorite lines from the movie -

(Fighter jet about to shoot Hulk) "Target in sight.... Opening fire...... Target Angry! Target Angry!" (Jet goes down)

Thor: "But Loki is my brother"
Fury: "And he killed 80 people in the past 3 days"
Thor: "He was adopted"

Hope you enjoyed reading them..

See you next time

Au revior!!!
The Original Soni
17th May 2012

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Notice 2

Sorry readers, but since HA is hell-bent on plagiarizing my blog because I blocked him on GTalk because he was irritating and arrogant in his refusal to help me in locating a simple link of TBBT S5 E24 online even after I asked him a few times, I have to introduce comment-filtering here. Every comment that is made on this blog will now be filtered and posted only once approved by me. That is, once I figure out how to do that.

And for the record HA, I GOT THE LINK MYSELF :P

Edit-  Did it! Yahoo! 

Google! Bing! Dogpile! 

Now where did that come from? :?

Friday, May 11, 2012

In fond memory

This one is in fond memory of my recently deceased un-named E63. I have had many fond memories with him, and he shall forever be a part of me, though not my junk collection. He was truly one unbeatable and unmatched cell phone who had his warranty life snatched away from him by a sad mishap. E63, you shall remain forever in my blog and its memories...

Let us now all have a minute of silence for him.

Grant him eternal battery O Lord, and let perpetual network shine upon him. And may his SIM rest in peace.

Here is one of his quirky pranks, not long before he passed away. (This happened right after a phone call)-



This is an essay I had written on "The value of a sense of humour" as part of a test. It was probably the first time in years that I had ot written a story as my essay, in part due to the bad story topics, and the lack of time... My teacher gave me 65% (3 on 5), calling the essay mundane. Out of 5 boys I showed this essay to, 4 found it great. The fifth also found it mundane, though I suspect he never read it even. (He himself said he doesn't like reading, so i guess I can count him out.) 

Please do read it and leave your feedback on how it is. Happy reading!!!

Every morning, even before I get up, I hear some people laughing loudly in the distance. The sound comes from the building just next to ours, most probably from the terrace. As several of my "late-night" studies have told me, this happens regularly at exactly around 4 in the morning. "Maybe they are catching the repeat telecast of Mr. Bean", I mumble to myself before I go to sleep.

I have often found myself at the wrong end of many jokes. Some of the times, I find myself on the right end too. But I don't mind it. Of course I will not mind the latter, but I do not mind the former either. "After all, it’s just (as they say) a joke." And this sentence often leaves me to wonder, "What exactly is a joke?"

Being a person of science, i would try to succinctly explain joke and humour as being caused by "the knowledge or ignorance of certain facts, incidents, people or nicknames". But I know this sentence means nothing to me. It means nothing to anybody, as a matter of fact. All this sentence might be able to do will be to confuse the person listening to me, resulting in extra mockery and jeering towards me. Which again leaves me in a paradox, for I did not answer my primary question - "What is a joke and what is sense of humour?"

Perhaps it is not as easy to explain such things as to understand and experience them. Just like love (Now again, the fact that I have compared love to sense of humour in such a way itself sounds funny to me. But then, "as they say", I have a weird sense of humour.) Many a light moment has been shared at the expense of one or our companions, or, more likely to be, our teachers. Many a person has fallen helpless with laughter just repeating a simple joke. And many a person has become the butt of the joke for his inability to understand the joke.

Whatever it may be, we all find one thing or the other "funnny" (as a friend of mine would pronounce.) And we all like laughing, even if it is over the silliest thing in the world. Some giggle (rather very sweetly too), while some laugh like the "Gabbar Singh" from Sholay. However it may come out of us, we all laugh. Ergo, we all have some sense of humour (If the word 'ergo' sounds Latin, it is because it actually is a Latin word).

Sense of humour, as we know it, develops rather interestingly in a person. Many a time I have tries to force a smile at a very silly joke said by a junior. Many a times I have been reprimanded or punished for some very hilarious words and pranks. And many a joke I played once upon a time sounds just puerile. (Although some of it is still very hilarious.) I don’t know what causes this sense of humour to arise in a person, but I believe it is there in everybody. (Except "some" of our teachers) In one form or the other, it is there in everybody. Should be.

A light moment, some fond memories, many fond memories, a stomach ache, a tear or two - that's what this sense of humour gives us. Well, frankly speaking, it also leads us to trouble - more often than not. But we all love that, don't we? After all, it's something to boast over to our friends and juniors. But then again, from a very scientific point of view, there is no particular "use" of this quality (if we may call it one). It doesn't even have proof to exist in the first place (For all we know, some alien beings may be trying to eat up our brains, and we laugh as a response to whenever they reach one of the cranial nodes [This hypothesis actually makes sense!]) But it is still universally appreciated.

A human behavioural response that occurs due to no particular reason universally but is still regarded by all as necessary. I think I'll just chuckle at that, for human behaviour will continue to baffle me.

Thats all for today. Will be posting a few more things soon.... Till then, enjoy!!! And cheers!!!

The Original Soni
11th of May 2012

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Notice for all

Due to unavoidable and irrevocable circumstances, effective immediately, my cell phone number shall be not functional until the end of Vodafone validity or the end of the world, whichever is earlier.

Anyone wishing to contact me may please figure out a way to do so.

Thank you

Thursday, May 3, 2012

I'm not mad. My mother had me tested too!!

Well if I had to be with someone.... It would be only you.... No one else.... "Never give up on the ones you love. Love is extremely powerful" :)

This was the message I received yesterday from a certain classmate CP while I was texting him at around 11:36 in the night! I was simply shocked. Admitted that a few boys casually made fun of my weak stature, and therefore regarded my brotherhood with AP for something else, but no boy had ever revealed his feelings to me. It was really shocking to find CP saying so strong words, especially since he happened to be my partner in class. I was at a total loss of words for the next 4 minutes 30 seconds until I got this message from him-

Last message not for you.

And then I knew who it was for. I simply smiled.

Tonight, I am texting some quiz questions again to him. Have already sent 5 of them, and have atleast another 3 waiting with me. I dont know how, but by some weird co-incidence, all the answers seem to be the same. And whats even bizzarre is that all of them are the same as Lady P's name ;)  

Colon D.

This one is dedicated to the kaminapanti of all friends, and to boys whom I have called by "some other" more than their actual names.

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The next part of this blog was unexpectedly created when my family was watching TV at home.

Jeevika required O-ve type blood as (naturally) she was dying. But her sister Maanvi could not give her blood (even though she shared the same blood group) because she had cancer, but had not told her husband and her sister's husband (who also happened to be her husband's brother) but could not tell them for the fear of causing more tension in her family.

My 8 year nephew was watching this, when he said "Arrey!!! She wants O- blood na! Gopi bahu has the same blood group!!!"

No comments!!!

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A weird world this is!!! Seriously!!!

A proper post is still due to you guys. But until then, a few tidbits -
  • The weather in Kolkata just turned great! It's raining since 2 days, and is likely to do so fo rthe next few days atleast. It will be cool here for now. Perfect for those who wanted a respite from the heat (which included everybody). Its actually cold here now!
  • NSTSE sent its results to our school, along with the medal and the prize DVD. Only two boys managed to win anything. AP, the topper from our batch, was the Kolkata topper for PCM for class 11. I was just the West Bengal topper.
  • I found out that the DVD I got for NSTSE was the same as the one given to me last year (Although it was different for the year before that). Since I would have done just nothing with the same DVD in a different cover, I simply gave it away to a classmate who was joking around, asking for my DVD. Even now, he can't believe I seriously gave my DVD to him!
  • I just found out today that no feeling in the world is better than that of a student when he comes home from school to find that his tuitions have been cancelled! Its simply amazing, this feeling! ;)
  • As you might have inferred, my nephew is in town. So he'll be staying with us for the summers. God bless me!!! There sure will be plenty to write about, with him being around ;)
  • He brought 27 games for me, out of which only one (Tetrix) worked. 1 other failed to load, while the rest 25 turned out to be just shortcuts :|
  • And remarkably, he remembers the exact wordings and tune of two Russian songs (this and that) that he last listened to five months ago!!! Wood touch.
  • AP and RP both managed to get a headache and a sprained hand respectively on the same day, causing them to be absent from school. In a totally unrelated news, they also saw Avengers that day at the multiplex. Kamina log mereko nai puch sakta tha!! #
  • This was what RP said on both of them being sick the same day - "I hit him on the head - He got a headache, I got sprain!" He also passed this to me that day (idk why he printed this as 6 cm by 6 cm in the first place) -

# Whats so remarkable about AP missing school for movies is the fact that he has been THE son every mother wants to have, THE student every teacher would love, and THE friend every guy would hate getting compared to. Simply said, he is the topper as well as the quietest guy in the class. No wonder every teacher like him, and uses him as a yardstick for comparing anyone. *sigh*
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This is all I have to say for now. Expect the next blog update to be there soon ;)

Till then, Ciao!

The Original Soni
3rd May 2012

** Just in case anyone is wondering whether my title post is actually true - Yes. Yes it is. (The habit of saying Yes twice comes from AP's addiction to this [Search for yes, and you will understand])