Sunday, May 13, 2012

Notice 2

Sorry readers, but since HA is hell-bent on plagiarizing my blog because I blocked him on GTalk because he was irritating and arrogant in his refusal to help me in locating a simple link of TBBT S5 E24 online even after I asked him a few times, I have to introduce comment-filtering here. Every comment that is made on this blog will now be filtered and posted only once approved by me. That is, once I figure out how to do that.

And for the record HA, I GOT THE LINK MYSELF :P

Edit-  Did it! Yahoo! 

Google! Bing! Dogpile! 

Now where did that come from? :?


  1. Arrogant!!!!
    And I am the one who always blocks you...remember?

    1. Yep. Arrogant.

      And No. I do not remember. And that is because "I'm the one who blocked you" and not the other way round. You haven't even blocked me once dude!
