Wednesday, September 14, 2011


Just got hold of the lappy (my laptop, as I call it) and just logged into here. And I dont think I have anything to say right now to my readers [No I am not being nostalgic here :P] (Definitely not that my life has suddenly become boring. It isn't going to happen in the next 20 years, I am sure. Simply that I have been very busy of late [Wow. Feels so good to say that "I'm busy" line. Makes me feel so important. {But then, I AM IMPORTANT. ;) }] and there are so many things to say, and I am writing things well about a month after it happened.)

Just so I don't forget and just so you get a "trailer" of whats going on, here are the things that may or may not have happened, depending on the current state of the universe -
- Science Camp
- Science fair
- Tests and stuff.
- Top secret classified "WORK"
- Exams (Physics and Chemistry in specific)
- Earthquakes (pun intended)
- Other miscellany I don't remember. (Now that i finally list down the things, I realise that my life actually wasn't that "happening" [happening as in things happening to it "All The Time"] But then again, i am reminded of so many other things, that I literally eat back my words.)

And yes. My right hand isn't bandaged now (The bandage is gone, but it had left a horrible smell of honey and something on my hand for the next week [Which I forced others to smell, just to tease them.] I told you I will be writing next when my hand isn't bandaged). But this doesn't mean I have nothing going on at all.

Whatever it is, I have to go now. My parents are calling for me. (Actually, they aren't. They are simply calling for the lappy. Or rather, calling me to give them the lappy.) Just was posting to tell everyone that my next post should not be coming until the 23rd of this month. Or maybe even later. (Just FYI* that I have my mid-term examinations [or assessment, as they call it {Doesn't make it better by renaming it. Are you listening Mrs. Mamta Banerjee?}]) and will be going out on an excursion after that. So don't expect a lot of posts until the 3rd of October.

See ya later,

(Will be writing next when I don't have english examinations the very next day. [Thankfully its English Language tomorrow, so isn't that bad. Incidentally, the last exam also happens to be English {Literature, that is}])

The Original Soni
14th of September,2011

* For your information

Monday, September 5, 2011

IIT-KGP and Science Camp - PART 2

So. We begin again. Where were we? Ah... The packet of chips. It was very tasty, for that matter. Anything will be tasty after 3 hours of serious Chemistry. Even Broccoli. No, not Broccoli. (I had the rare chance to actually taste broccoli, in a rather "experiment" I conducted on myself during a wedding dinner [or whatever they call it. It is that dinner kind of with stalls for every type of food and which is the second biggest attraction for adults to attend weddings. The biggest being the chance to show off their "new" dresses {The definition of new being "not wearing that dress on any other occasion where any other person in the wedding was also present"}] And yes. The experiment result was positive. Not so positive for my tongue though. I spat it just as soon as I touched it to my tongue)

The next day, I woke up at 5:30 sharp. Only I wish it were pm, and not am. For a sleep lover like me, 5:30 am is the time for only certain people to wake (which include students on the morning of the examinations who have not studied at all and instead have done the glorious job of burning the midnight oil to simply studying "subah k chaar baje" [4 o'clock in the morning] ; the grandparents of the family living right opposite to our house, who wake up dot at 4 am [I have had the occasion to study late at night {or converting my late night studies to a late night cum early morning studies} quite a few of times and have noticed them doing so every single time.]; every other grandparent; and people in the hilly areas, for there they have light very early in the morning [or so I have heard. What I did not understand is how did the amount of light affect the sleeping hours. If that was so, then penguins and polar bears should be sleeping 6 months and staying awake the next 6 months. {Soon, another science geek friend of mine approached me, saying this was "actually" the case. They even had a name for it. It was called "hibernation". <The wonders of science is that your class 6 lessons always come back. That too, only when you have forgotten them.>}]), not normal and sensible people.

So I got ready and left for the place where the three of us were supposed to meet (for a change, all of us were on time. I call it "once in a green moon" [Taking "once in a blue moon" a step further, the idea being that the moon is never green. Except in my old colouring books. {We even have made something called "once in a beautiful moon" to describe frequent events, the idea being that the moon is always beautiful. Except when you are an astronaut accidentally stranded on it}]) and then we boarded a bus to the place all 60 of us were supposed to meet. We reached the bus stand, got off and then walked half an hour to just find out that we had been given incorrect instructions to reach there and should have got off at the other bus stand. Finally, we just reached there and from there, it was time for Kharagpur. Which made for a 3 hour bus journey. Which meant taking a lot of photographs of the scenery outside, enjoying a lot of wind at the window seat (which I got by pretending I had motion sickness), playing a lot of Antakshari (where you sing songs starting with the last letter of the previous song. [Pretty hard to do in English, if your previous song ends in X. But then, we were having it in Hindi and surprisingly, X has songs in Hindi.]), hearing a lot of FM on the radio (which could not last long, however as the signals vanished  mins into our journey) and a lot of fun.

(Its so weird that though I can describe every other silly moment in a lot of details, the best moments are the ones in which you are speechless. You cant describe things like those very easily. Time flies when you look back at those moments.[I am now tempted to quote Einstien now, who wasnt so boring after all, as you will fond after reading the quote. Here it goes- “Put your hand on a hot stove for a minute, and it seems like an hour. Sit with a pretty girl for an hour, and it seems like a minute. THAT'S relativity.” So true na??])

So we finally reached KGP and enjoyed a lot there. Saw many labs (from the outside), visited a couple of the labs (including the computer lab [which had only 500 computers. And had around a 100 monitors lying in a stack on the corridor. And almost a similar number of CPUs and UPSs. And a awesome server.] and the library [which was as huge as my entire school building. Now THAT is a lot, going by the size of my school.]), had a really good feel of being in an IIT, had a real bad feel of food quality at the IIT (going by the person who was showing us around, we were dining at the "best restaurant [I would not even call it a dhaba, by any standards] in Kharagpur") and took a lot of photographs. So many that my camera's battery went down 5 hours into the day, and I had almost taken over a camera belonging to one of the class 12 bhaiya (brother) with me AND its battery was also almost down by the end of the day.

KGP was a great and very enlightening experience and a very tiring one also (the campus is very huge. [When I use very with use here, it isn't grammatical error. Thats how huge it is]) but I really enjoyed it a lot. And so did everybody else. Especially the owner of the restaurant (who must be smiling wide at the end of the day, i imagine). Finally, on the way back, it was 6 already by the time we left, making it a good 10 to 11, before we would reach home. But it was worth reaching late. Plus, all of us had cell phones, all of which had zero battery, because of playing too many songs.

And so my day ended...

(Will be updating about the science camp when my right hand isn't bandaged and when people living in GMT are still awake. [Yup. Its 4:17 am already and sleeping time for GMT, I guess. 10:47 is sleeping time at least for kids].)

Till then, See yaa.

The Original Soni
5th of September, 2011 (Teachers day here)
4:19 am (Weird I took 2 full minutes to type all that. But it is logical since I am typing "single-handedly" [The hand I am typing being my right one {Which is bandaged, incidentally.} And now its 4:21. Waoh. Must talk to Einstien immediately])