Well if I had to be with someone.... It would be only you.... No one else.... "Never give up on the ones you love. Love is extremely powerful" :)
This was the message I received yesterday from a certain classmate CP while I was texting him at around 11:36 in the night! I was simply shocked. Admitted that a few boys casually made fun of my weak stature, and therefore regarded my brotherhood with AP for something else, but no boy had ever revealed his feelings to me. It was really shocking to find CP saying so strong words, especially since he happened to be my partner in class. I was at a total loss of words for the next 4 minutes 30 seconds until I got this message from him-
Last message not for you.
And then I knew who it was for. I simply smiled.
Tonight, I am texting some quiz questions again to him. Have already sent 5 of them, and have atleast another 3 waiting with me. I dont know how, but by some weird co-incidence, all the answers seem to be the same. And whats even bizzarre is that all of them are the same as Lady P's name ;)
Colon D.
This one is dedicated to the kaminapanti of all friends, and to boys whom I have called by "some other" more than their actual names.
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The next part of this blog was unexpectedly created when my family was watching TV at home.
Jeevika required O-ve type blood as (naturally) she was dying. But her sister Maanvi could not give her blood (even though she shared the same blood group) because she had cancer, but had not told her husband and her sister's husband (who also happened to be her husband's brother) but could not tell them for the fear of causing more tension in her family.
My 8 year nephew was watching this, when he said "Arrey!!! She wants O- blood na! Gopi bahu has the same blood group!!!"
No comments!!!
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A weird world this is!!! Seriously!!!
A proper post is still due to you guys. But until then, a few tidbits -
- The weather in Kolkata just turned great! It's raining since 2 days, and is likely to do so fo rthe next few days atleast. It will be cool here for now. Perfect for those who wanted a respite from the heat (which included everybody). Its actually cold here now!
- NSTSE sent its results to our school, along with the medal and the prize DVD. Only two boys managed to win anything. AP, the topper from our batch, was the Kolkata topper for PCM for class 11. I was just the West Bengal topper.
- I found out that the DVD I got for NSTSE was the same as the one given to me last year (Although it was different for the year before that). Since I would have done just nothing with the same DVD in a different cover, I simply gave it away to a classmate who was joking around, asking for my DVD. Even now, he can't believe I seriously gave my DVD to him!
- I just found out today that no feeling in the world is better than that of a student when he comes home from school to find that his tuitions have been cancelled! Its simply amazing, this feeling! ;)
- As you might have inferred, my nephew is in town. So he'll be staying with us for the summers. God bless me!!! There sure will be plenty to write about, with him being around ;)
- He brought 27 games for me, out of which only one (Tetrix) worked. 1 other failed to load, while the rest 25 turned out to be just shortcuts :|
- And remarkably, he remembers the exact wordings and tune of two Russian songs (this and that) that he last listened to five months ago!!! Wood touch.
- AP and RP both managed to get a headache and a sprained hand respectively on the same day, causing them to be absent from school. In a totally unrelated news, they also saw Avengers that day at the multiplex. Kamina log mereko nai puch sakta tha!! #
- This was what RP said on both of them being sick the same day - "I hit him on the head - He got a headache, I got sprain!" He also passed this to me that day (idk why he printed this as 6 cm by 6 cm in the first place) -
# Whats so remarkable about AP missing school for movies is the fact that he has been THE son every mother wants to have, THE student every teacher would love, and THE friend every guy would hate getting compared to. Simply said, he is the topper as well as the quietest guy in the class. No wonder every teacher like him, and uses him as a yardstick for comparing anyone. *sigh*
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This is all I have to say for now. Expect the next blog update to be there soon ;)
Till then, Ciao!
The Original Soni
3rd May 2012
** Just in case anyone is wondering whether my title post is actually true - Yes. Yes it is. (The habit of saying Yes twice comes from AP's addiction to this [Search for yes, and you will understand])
** Just in case anyone is wondering whether my title post is actually true - Yes. Yes it is. (The habit of saying Yes twice comes from AP's addiction to this [Search for yes, and you will understand])
ROFL.. I am sure you and paul must have been in a severe state of dilemma for those 4 mins 30 secs :P
ReplyDelete:P You bet!!!
DeleteI was in a bigger dilemma than Captain though ;)
Nigga...I asked u tum nxt friday skool aayega? tum bola aayega. Ab skool aayega to movie kaise jaata...bol!!
ReplyDeleteNot funny man!!! Tum yeh mention kiya tha kya ki "We are going to the movie. Tum ayega skul?"
DeleteU did not ask....Hum munna se poocha, " Tum friday skool aayega, wo bola "why??" " theres the difference. :P
DeleteAnd yeah, its funny.....
DeleteFunny is then a relative term