Monday, August 1, 2011

My blog

Heyyo readers,

This is my first blog and I hope to write something here. Atleast something that makes some sense. In any case, even if I don't write anything worthwhile at all, I will, hopefully, write something that will just be worth all the time pass of reading the blog (I know that I am just blabbering around. All you can hope is that my blogs get better later on :) )

About me - I am The Original Soni, a 16 year old guy who ... well I don't think I have anything more to say. Only that I like stories, both reading, writing and making them (I know that's 3 things, but it doesn't matter). Anyways, I am a Science student so pardon me if I write too much of non-sense (incidentally, the science has nothing to do with my non-sense. I have full faith that I would been doing as much non-sense as I am doing now had I not been in science(God forbid) ). I love maths. I love science in general. I love learning things. There are some other things also, but then, this is a public blog, so I would not say them. ;)

I am very talkative(I'm sure most of you must have understood it by now) and like just sharing myself.(Thats not entirely true but it sounds nice in saying that ;) ) Anyways, the reason I created this blog is to just let myself be heard by others. Just to etch out myself. My life.

Thats all I guess. Hopefully you will be coming across better blogs with more interesting stories later. Do give your feedback at

Till then, Au revoir.

The Original Soni.


  1. Boss go on!!!!
    remember, we friends are not gonna leave u aloooneee!!!!
    hope 2 keep followin, although may not be able 2 but will try!!;)
    write urself out here....

  2. It ws simply awsome to read ur Blog...Jst luvd it...Though at sum point, I felt dat U were blabberring toooo much..(pakk pakkk pakkkkkk).... :-)
