Monday, August 29, 2011

Me and Murphy - Part 1

Ever heard of Murphy's law? I bet you haven't (if you have, its only if I have told you, because I keep telling EVERYBODY around me about it). Its a brilliant law by an equally brilliant engineer and works even more brilliantly, without any exceptions. And most brilliantly, it contains no weird mathematics involved.

Here it goes - "Anything that can go wrong, WILL"

Brilliant, isn't it? Well, what's even more brilliant is the way it ALWAYS comes true, no matter what. Sometimes I doubt whether my life has plenty of Murphy's law in it or Murphy's law has my life in it.

Its like a person meeting Frankenstien. You can like him. You can hate him. But you just cannot ignore him. (Besides, it is hard to ignore a green 7-feet-tall man with a square shaped face and who has 2 metallic rods protruding from either side of his head.)

Frankenstien aside, let us take a very brief look at how Murphy (a person whom I never met[Nor am I likely to meet. {In this world,that is. He is dead by now and is not very likely to perform another "Star Plus"* here}]) has shaped and changed my world. Or rather OUR world. (Its not just that Murphy has been affecting just me. The people around me, especially the close ones, have been [almost] equally affected by him).

To just give you a very brief glimpse, lets take a look at one "very" small incident that happened yesterday.
(Believe me, my stories get a lot more complicated , juicy and interesting. Its almost as if my whole life itself is a movie.[With everything pre-planned to give the maximum dramatic effect.] A Bollywood movie at that. That too, one in the 1970s#).

I had just got some library card from some library because I had participated in some science camp and all the participants got one library card each. So I took it home, opened the envelope and removed the library card from the paper it was stuck on using some kind of a white, tasteless (No. I did not taste it, but assumed so) and flavourless chewing gum (kind of substance). Eventually, I found myself playing with that chewing gum substance - Streching it, rolling it, etc, etc. And finally, (you guessed it right), the chewing gum got stuck on my hair!!!  Had to cut a strand of my hair to get it off :( Tried to cut just a little bit, but the scissors HAD TO cut off a "huge" chunk. Now I am left with a gaping hole right on a portion of my hair (which I am now trying to cover up by having awkwardly funny hair styles.)

Notice how a completely unrelated science camp led to hair loss? Thats just as outrageous as my life can get. Actually a lot less.

Anyways, I gtg. So will be updating more such snippets from "Me and Murphy" later on. (i.e. when my hand isn't bandaged ;) [another story already])

Till then, tckr.
See ya

The Original Soni
29th August 2011
*Star Plus is a popular TV channel here, whose soaps, until recently(Note- recently as in last week), had been performing a zombie act in all of their shows. No matter how many times they died, the main character of the soap would always come back. (If you ask me, Ekta Kapoor should be given a Nobel prize in medicine for discovering immortality and another in Physics for discovering telepathy)

# Bolly movies of the old times have all been copied from the same Hollywood movie. Otherwise I don't see a reason on why every other movie should have exactly the same plot (Two brothers being separated, their father being killed by a villain, their mother raising one of them, the two brothers meeting each other in a twist and turn of events, they fight against each other, they re-unite, the villain (may or may not be successful) tries to kill the mother, the brothers come to know of the villain, their mother calls for revenge from the sons, the brothers kill the villain in some desolate temple with bells ringing and the lighting and thunder everywhere.) Although, to be fair, this was not the only story line then. Sometimes it was the mother, and sometimes the deity of the temple itself killing the villain.

Sunday, August 28, 2011

IIT-KGP and Science Camp

Okay. Here we are. Back again. Where we began. In the end. Of the beginning. Is it the end? Or is it the start? Or is the end gone? Or did it never begin? Questions are everywhere. Answers, just, somewhere. Solace nowhere. My life, anywhere. Welcome to my world. Welcome to all. To the riders of death. And to the poets of the fall.

I'm pretty sure the lines above made no sense whatsoever. But they sounded cool and looked poetic, so just wrote it. And I'm pretty sure that they wont make any sense with the topic of my current blog. Either.

So what all happened in the past few days? A lot. Or maybe not. Whatever it is, let us find out.

The 15th of august came. And went. And my friends came. And went.  Had a gala time with friends "AGAIN" :D Went to JS's house. Had fun with 3 other friends there. Lots of fun, AAMOF. And then, finally, they went back to Kota. *sigh*

As you know, I was supposed to go to IIT-KGP (came to find out that its name was IIT-KGP and not IIT-K as I had incorrectly written. IIT-K was IIT Kanpur, FYI.) So I went. But again, none of my stories can be that simple, can it? And thus, there "HAD TO BE" twists (Incidentally, one of my physics teacher's fav lines is - "Boys HAVE TO talk". Just recalled it. [Then again, if I go on describing my Physics teacher, that will be forming another colourful blog of its own. So just lets leave him this way with a footnote that he LOVES to say Random "quotes" {Any guesses whom he quotes the most???? It isnt Albert Einstien or Issac Newton. Its someone who has the potential to give out far deadlier quotes. Thats right. its my physics teacher himself.<Incidentally, the second person he quotes the most also happens to be he himself>} ]) And twists it were.

The trip was supposed to be on the 18th of this month and we had to go by bus (Only a distance of 132 km, courtesy Google maps) and return the same day. Which meant I would have been back for Friday, which incidentally, happened to be a Holiday at school. (I could bunk school only one day, but then, this also led to its own consequences)

Anyways, I got my leave sanctioned in my diary* and the other three guys who were also going with me also got their diaries signed. And, I imagined, the other 56 people going on the trip also got their respective diaries signed. (Sadly, this did not turn out to be true, mainly because of 2 reasons - a) Their school did not have the leave system and so they did not have to get the diaries signed. And b) Some of the 56 people going with us were adults(who had already finished their studies) who, I suppose, did not have diaries.)

Maybe I told or maybe I did not, but there was another team from our school who also participated in the quiz (from outside our school) but did not get high enough marks to qualify into the top 15 teams. But, on the 17th, after I had come home after getting my leave sanctioned, I got a call from HA. Here, we came to know that HA and his team(all of whom were good friends of mine) ALSO got the message, asking them if they want to come. This was simply great! Now I would also have my friends coming to IIT-KGP. And there is nothing better than having friends with you on any trip.

But, (as always, there was a big fat BUT in there [any puns unintended]) there was "one" small problem. They did not get their leave sanctioned and that, as usual, created problems of its own.(Sounds very predictable na? Everything just creating problems on their own. Thats completely MY life. Or rather OUR.[Seems to involve several other people close to me]) Now this meant either of them had to talk either the Principal of our school (Not a very good idea) or the maths ma'am who arranged it. Or they could have just gone without a leave, which (wait for it) would have led to problems of its own. But they had a better plan in mind. Or maybe not(not from my point of view [Sacrificing a goat, however noble it be, is never good from the scapegoat's point of view {They goat metaphor was just for the sake of making it. Its implication was not intended.}]) "I" (being one of her favorites) had to talk to ma'am and ask her, on behalf of the four of them, if they could also come to the trip.

And as usual, (you guessed it correctly) there was another small problem. I was on my way to my tuitions, which would have meant that it was very noisy. (Kolkata, by itself is very noisy. But a bus is Kolkata would put any Linkin Park concert to shame[in terms of its loudness]. And it would also have put any Himmesh Reshammia# song to shame[No the bus does not sing "Oooooo". Its in terms of the "noisiness" {By noisiness, I mean being out of tune. Permanently.}]) That I had no balance on my cell was another matter entirely.

So, finally, when I got off at the tuitions, I instead took a detour and got my cell recharged and headed off to a quiet place. Which happened to be just next to my tuitions. I finally called up ma'am but she said that they could not go. Which was sad. So sad that instead of going into my tuition centre, I headed off to buy a packet of chips before I finally went in.

(To be continued...[Shall be updating it when I don't have chewing gum on my hair])
*In our school, we need to get a leave sanctioned in our diaries for every day we are absent from school.

# Himmesh Reshammia is an Indian singer whose every song, co-indidentally, starts AND ends with "Oooooo". And that "Ooooooo" is the best part of the song.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

IIT-K and friends

Had a long day today but in the end, all went well :)

Firstly, there was this science quiz held by some institute somewhere in Kolkata "ON A SUNDAY" (I mean who holds ANY competition on a Sunday. As it is, Science students are doomed to have all their sundays wasted. I dont remember how many times I have bunked movies on Sundays while the rest of my family goes to see them.) in which I was again selected by one of my teachers to participate.(Incidentally, my maths teacher and maths is, was and will be my life. Forever. Plus, I was also one of the favorites of my teacher and that helped too.) So I and another friend of mine were selected to go to the science quiz along with 2 more of the Class 12 guys (one year our senior) to represent our school in the quiz, whose winners would be going to IIT Kharagpur* for a day as an "educational trip". Well sort of. (Actually I am not sure what exactly this is, but I am sure its something related to going to IIT-K). Whatever it is, me and AP(the topper and my friend) were to go to the quiz.

But then, another one of my friends (Lets call him JS)# and yet another one of my friends (Lets call him VB)# had returned after 2 months from Kota^ for a week and so they had decided (but "accidentally" forgot to tell us.) that we would be going out for movie. WHich meant that we had to drop the quiz. Which I did not want to. So the quiz remained unchanged.

Or so I thought. It seemed that AP had removed his name from the quiz WITHOUT removing my name. Which meant that AP wasn't going for the quiz and was available for the movie but I was there in the quiz and so had to drop the movie. Again. (But this time it was with friends :( ) (This also meant that he was replaced with another class 12 guy)

So finally I prepared for the quiz (by preparation I mean very serious preparation. Which consists of telling mom to wake me up at 6'o clock and waking up at 7:30 instead) and tried my best to defer the movie plans till late, so I could join in.(It so happened that the movie was cancelled and all that was left was hanging out and ... well hanging out. You had a bit of MacD and some bowling too, but it was mainly hanging around.)

And so the day began. On quite a positive note. I was 20 minutes late to meet the other guys who were going with me(but they were 25 minutes late. :) True Indians, we people) and my plans for the movie were cancelled.(Or the hanging around, as you may call it) (So I did not even pack my casuals to wear as I was going in school uniform WHICH led to quite a bit of problems on its own, as you will see[or rather read] later on) With such a start, I set off for my day to some school near some Park.

And we reached there only 1 hour early.(Imagine that! That too after being 25 mins late! This is also ver well known as the Indian precautionary method to the Indian nature. We can sometime be ONLY 2 hours late but we can never be On time. Unless the time told to us is 2 hours earlier than the real time.) So walked around quite a bit. Saw the consulate of Zambia from outside (Yes. We also don't know where it is and we are also guessing it is a country in Africa) and just walked around, and made me and my friend go in circles(Pretended I knew the place around there and made us go here and there. Perfect way to kill time, unless you have Rajnikanth[Google him if you dare to ;) You may or may not find him there, but he will surely find you.] or Cyrus Broacha [Again a perfect murderer. ;) Am currently reading a book of his and I am dead already. Almost{This almost was just in case you were wondering if I were dead <Notice how its I "were" dead, when I is singular. Or rather I "am" singular>}]) until we were allowed to go in.

Then had the perfect quiz there. There were 40 questions and we could answer only 30.5(Later found out it was 28 :/) :D Surely we were in the top 15 teams who had got the chance to go to IIT-K and surely we were in the top 5 teams, who would be battling it out in the finals on stage.

Only there was ONE small problem. The finals were to be held 2 hours later at the same venue while there was a workshop some something and something else to be conducted till then. And I, by nature, am very restless. Only God (and the three guys beside me) know how restless I was. More restless than an electron in valence band. More than one in the valence somewhere in the Large Hadron Collider.

My seat could be tilted back but again it made a loud creaking sound while tilting back, which made sure everyone in the auditorium could hear it. And it wasn't possible to hold it tilted for long. Not for a thin person like me. So my back was aching and I just could not walk out nor could I be there. Only I stood (or rather sat) there, doing nothing. Except making a hundred stray remarks, texting everybody on my contact list and reading 50 pages of the book I had brought.(Again, how I stopped myself from laughing out loud in the auditorium remains another mystery)

Soon those 2 hours passed and The Moment Of Truth came. I was hoping we would come in the top 15. But God had something else on his mind. Instead, we were the top team there! :)

The on-stage rounds also happened somehow (I just hope not many people in the audience noticed the jumping boy in Team A. [You can't blame me for being overcharged, not with such good air-conditioning. Need to find out who invented the A.C. And kill him{If he is already dead, then i will have to bring him back alive and then kill him}]). Finally, we finished 3rd in the competition. :) Am satisfied with the way things went. :)

Then I decided to go to my friends who were still... well hanging out. And so I called up my sister for directions to the mall, who called up my mother, who called up my aunt, who was asleep. So my mother again called for my father (who had gone down somewhere and his phone was not reachable) who again asked one of our neighbour, who finally told me to take a cab.

Fifteen minutes later, I was in the mall. Well, almost. The problem this time was that I had not brought any casuals and the mall "strictly" did not allow ANYONE in school uniform. Which again meant the better part (or rather the whole of) the next hour and a half went to convincing the security guard that I had not run away from or bunked school to come to the mall. But they simply said "rules are rules". (I'm sure whoever made these rules had a very rough childhood and also had to go to school on Sundays also. Poor chap!)

And so after umpteen attempts and plans (which included bringing a T-shirt from someone who lived closeby. [By someone, I include our group, our brothers, sisters, uncles, aunts, friends, neighbours and neighbours of friends] Unfortunately the closest was 30 mins away.[I'm sure all the other malls in every other city are also built in some desolate road, hours away from any human habitation]. Other plans included buying a new T-shirt from the mall [which was cancelled at the last moment] and sneaking in from some other gate[which I refused to do]), they finally got the food packed from MacD and we had our food in some other restaurant (It would be a shame to call it restaurant) outside the mall. Had some fun with friends. Okay. Had a lot of fun with my friends.

And basically that was it. Had fun and went home. Now tomorrow is Independence day and will be attending it in school for the first time ever, just to be with friends. Luv you guys :*

Anyways, that was it for today. Hope you enjoyed reading it. If you did, (or even if you did not), just share this blog.

See ya later (Or rather write to ya later)

The Original Soni
14th of August,2011 (looks so cool to write the date in full format. :P )


*IIT are the top engineering colleges in India, with Kharagpur(the nearest to Kolkata) being 5th best. Or somewhere around there.(The blog is about me, the last time I checked it. So I guess I can take this much liberty in labelling IIT-K 5th instead of 4th or 4 and a half.)

# I am sure I will be dead by the time either of them reads this, which they should be reading.(The letters are not exactly their initials. ;) Hope you understand) So my last wish will be to....(well lets leave it till then..)

^Kota again is a city somewhere in India(I'm still trying to figure out where) which has all the top coaching centres for Science. In short it is a place filled with students, tuition centres and .....well more students.(not to forget malls, restaurants, hostels, dummy schools and paying guests.[As if the entire country has been in one city])

Friday, August 5, 2011

Google Plus

Had my first tryst with the new Google Plus today. But wasn't able to create an account. ;)

Till now, was not able to create an account. Only showed that "we are under limited trial" message and I happily believed it, thinking that those with invites also could not create the account. Until a friend actually sent me an invite. But he did not mention that it is only for 18+. And now my email id is blocked from Google Plus "until" I turn 18. Wow

Tried using my other gmail id for creating an account. Turned out that it too had my real age stored from before. Which means I can't become over 18 within a few mins now. :P Have to grow up the natural way now... (Dont wish to create another gmail id for G+)

Seems like Google Plus will be outside my reach for now...

Monday, August 1, 2011

My blog

Heyyo readers,

This is my first blog and I hope to write something here. Atleast something that makes some sense. In any case, even if I don't write anything worthwhile at all, I will, hopefully, write something that will just be worth all the time pass of reading the blog (I know that I am just blabbering around. All you can hope is that my blogs get better later on :) )

About me - I am The Original Soni, a 16 year old guy who ... well I don't think I have anything more to say. Only that I like stories, both reading, writing and making them (I know that's 3 things, but it doesn't matter). Anyways, I am a Science student so pardon me if I write too much of non-sense (incidentally, the science has nothing to do with my non-sense. I have full faith that I would been doing as much non-sense as I am doing now had I not been in science(God forbid) ). I love maths. I love science in general. I love learning things. There are some other things also, but then, this is a public blog, so I would not say them. ;)

I am very talkative(I'm sure most of you must have understood it by now) and like just sharing myself.(Thats not entirely true but it sounds nice in saying that ;) ) Anyways, the reason I created this blog is to just let myself be heard by others. Just to etch out myself. My life.

Thats all I guess. Hopefully you will be coming across better blogs with more interesting stories later. Do give your feedback at

Till then, Au revoir.

The Original Soni.